5 Questions you could ask yourself each morning

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? 

Does it look anything like the following? 

  • Alarm goes off on your phone, you reach over and turn it off (or snooze a few times)

  • Before getting out of bed you check WhatsApp, emails, and / or the news

  • You may then reply to a message and a work email

  • By this time your mind is now racing and your thoughts are being dictated by what you have just consumed, all before you’ve even rolled out of bed (let alone had your coffee)

Now don’t worry, we’re certainly not here to make you feel bad, quite the opposite actually. 

Advances in technology is a wonderful thing so long as we are control of it and not the other way around.  

At Lift Your Wellbeing our focus is on supporting you to make small, consistent positive changes that will allow you to achieve high levels of success without sacrificing your health & happiness. 

High performers across many fields have been studied closely and the one thing they all seem to have in common is that they have a morning routine. A ritual, if you like.

These rituals are usually based around getting the individual in a positive and energetic frame of mind to allow them to get the best out of themselves each day, whilst feeling great doing it. 

A solid morning routine could consist of time spent outside getting light exposure, some exercise, a healthy breakfast and some tech free time. But for this piece, I would like us to explore the benefits of journaling each morning. 

I want to provoke a little more intention in your morning routine to enable you to set up your mindset in the best way possible so that you can feel healthy, happy and productive. 

I have put together 5 questions for you to ask yourself each morning to get you in the right mindset for a successful day.  Disclaimer: Success is defined by what you believe success to be, it does not mean having a really busy day. 


1. How do I feel today? 

It is important for us to check in with how we feel. This can direct us to what activities we choose to fill our day with. If you are feeling energised you might fancy a morning run but if you are feeling stressed or maybe a bit lonely then acknowledge that and set the intention of connecting with a friend or loved one during the day. Listen to your mind and your body! 


2. What can I get excited about today? 

This may be the most important question you can ask yourself but a lot of the time this will be the hardest to answer. With the busy nature of our life we usually put our own joy at the bottom of the to-do list. Make sure you have an answer to this question each day. It doesn’t have to be anything major but something that’s for you and will make you feel great.


3. What can I do today to get closer to where I want to be? 

A lot of the time we are working towards a bigger goal, whether it is a promotion at work, building our own business or being able to do a push up. Consistency and small actions are the way that bigger goals are achieved, so setting yourself small actions to get closer to your goal will keep you feeling motivated. 


4. If I could only achieve one thing today what would it be? 

By identifying one thing that would make your day successful this can help you to realise what is most important. Whilst many of us maintain huge to-do lists, that can create a sense of overwhelm and anxiety, so by identify the key activities this can help us to experience progress whilst being kind to ourselves.


5. What can I do for someone else today? 

Whilst all our other suggestions have been about you. This one is about the people around you. How can you surprise someone by doing a kind gesture? Within the workplace we don’t recognise each other’s great work enough. Drop someone an email later today saying how much you appreciate their work, reach out to a friend you have lost touch with or maybe you could cook your loved ones an extra special dinner tonight. P.s I’ll let you in on a secret, doing something nice for someone else is also very good for your wellbeing. 

So, get your pen and paper ready for tomorrow morning.  Find a comfortable spot to sit with a nice big glass of water and start your day in control with a positive mindset. 

If you’re like to incorporate some exercise or mindfulness into your morning routine, click here to take a free trial of our digital wellbeing platform.

Alternatively if you’re responsible for wellbeing at your workplace and would like see how we can partner with your business to support the mental health and wellbeing of your team, click here to book at call with our founder Kevin McAlister.


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